While Leadership programs are custom tailored to each client's needs, some of the topics that are common to many of our seminars include:
Defining Leadership - What Does It Look Like?
At the beginning of the program, the participants get the opportunity to define exactly what leadership means to them. This is accomplished through individual group brainstorming sessions in which they list as many characteristics of a leader they can come up with. We then repeat the exercise, but with the concept of “the boss”. This contrast focuses participants on what personal management qualities they value and serves as the platform for the rest of the program.
How Do I Stack Up? - A Look in the Mirror
After soliciting participants’ views in the previous module on what constitutes leader-like behaviors and characteristics, we then ask them to do a self-assessment on how they stack up to those ideals (or how they emulate the opposite). This involves both individual and group work on the following questions:
1. What is my intent?
2. What do my employees see?
- A discussion of communication, especially non-verbal communication and the messages it sends to those around them
3. What are my assumptions?
4. What is my level of trust?
5. Am I likeable?
- This will include a discussion of and techniques to managing former colleagues/friends
- A discussion of the importance of personal relationships and the role it plays in an employees job performance
6. Who are my customers?
7. What is my attitude?
8. What are my expectations?
9. What am I responsible for?
10. What is my value?
11. WIIFM (What’s In It For Me)?
Different Strokes – Leading by Personality Type
This module introduces participants to four basic personality types. While not intended to be a deep dive into human psychology, the importance of interacting with people based on their personality differences is explored. First, we have them take a short multiple-choice personality inventory to identify which of the four personality types they are. We then outline a 4-step method to practically use this knowledge to:
- Improve their relationships with their employees, co-workers, and managers
- Enhance employees’ performance
- Improve customer relations
- Lessen stress
- Reduce conflicts in the workplace
Coaching - Improving Performance and Dealing with Unacceptable Behavior
This module gives leaders both the steps and skills necessary to enhance employee performance at all levels, from the top-performing superstar to the worker operating at or below established standards. Additionally, they will learn how to address unacceptable behaviors and situations that often arise in the workplace such as poor attitudes, below-the-bar performance, absenteeism, etc. It focuses on personal responsibility (on both the leader’s and employee’s part) and the precise communication of expectations and any deviation from them without judgment. They will learn that there are always two objectives they want to satisfy in these situations: behavior change and the maintenance of good relationships. The idea of punishment is downplayed.
In addition to small group discussions, participants are provided the opportunity to practice the model through role-plays. In order to make the role-play as realistic as possible, participants are asked to bring in detailed written s of real-life situations prior to attending the program. These will serve as the basis for the role-plays (as well as an opportunity to rehearse the coaching sessions before going back to work and doing it for real).
Making Them Feel Appreciated - Recognition
Employee recognition plays a critical role in shaping corporate culture, improving employee performance, and increasing their engagement. This module first focuses on uncovering individual attitudes about recognition and why some leaders don’t recognize their employees. They also learn the importance of and strategies of human motivation (which usually can be accomplished through intangibles that cost little or nothing). They are then given practical examples and the correct steps to properly show appreciation to their employees - for service, loyalty, achievement, or performance.
Looking Ahead - Visioning and Goal Setting
This module teaches participants how to set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable/realistic, relevant (in that they improve the organization), and time-bound. They also learn how to involve others in the goal-setting process and the importance of visioning as a leader.
Additionally, participants will learn the importance of and how to critically link their goals with their employees and the organization’s goals. To that end, prior to the outset of the program, the organization’s and/or individual business unit’s goals will need to be reviewed to ensure that they follow the goal-setting model being taught.
Delegation – The Art of Letting Go
This module operates from the premise that delegation is a learnable art/skill. Participants first assess their attitudes about delegation and then are taught a solid conceptual base of the benefits of “letting go”. They will strengthen and expand their repertoire of delegation skills and be better able to plan for more effective delegation on the job through self-assessment, group activities, and discussion.
Managing Differences - Conflict Resolution
This module is designed to not only provide key concepts and techniques to resolve conflicts with colleagues and maintain relationships when differences arise and to respond coolly, confidently, and tactfully in even the most heated and emotional situations. It also provides insights to the participants to their own conflict management style.
Their skills in this important area of interpersonal relations will be enhanced via group discussion, self-assessment, and role-plays.
Upward Leadership - "Managing" the Boss
This module teaches that leaders not only effectively manage their subordinates and as well as maintain relationships with colleagues, they also play an active role in their relationship with their superior. They will evaluate their own attitudes and perceptions about their direct manager does as well as gain insight into what may explain why he/she behaves like they do. Relationship-building techniques to work more successfully with “the boss” will be explored and discussed.
Leading Change
In this module, managers learn discover their own attitudes towards change as well as their own leadership style towards their employees during, but find out why people (as well as themselves) might be resistant towards change. Additionally, they will explore how people cope with change and techniques to introduce and manage the change process systematically and successfully.
Building Your Team
Many like to talk about the importance of teamwork - building teams, working as a team, “my team”, “your team” - but few truly understand the attitudes and behaviors necessary that provide the environment in which people willingly begin to collectively contribute to the overall success of the organization. And that’s one of the primary reasons why teambuilding efforts often fail - they fail to define what aspect of “teambuilding” they are attempting to address: Is it developing an overall sense of team work or building an effective and focused work team (or, possibly, a combination of both)?
This module explores each manager’s attitudes and attempts to uncover barriers that may serve to sabotage the overall effectiveness of the team. The characteristics of successful teams are also discussed after an honest behavioral appraisal is conducted to determine which are present in the individual participant’s team.
If desired, specific teambuilding activities can be facilitated depending on need. For a description of an exceptionally versatile teambuilding activity we facilitate which is designed to address a wide range of team related issues, see the page describing the “The Electric Maze”.
Use the Contact page to get in touch with us about how we can tailor a program for you.